I am a BIG fan of DESSERT. A GINORMOUS FAN, YOU GUYS. More specifically… desserts made of CHOCOLATE. And I rarely deviate from this preference. However, I would make a daily exception for this cake. Because: COFFEE. BUTTERCREAM.
YOU GUYS. This post was supposed to go up for Christmas. I have no excuse! I’m the worst! I’m a terrible blogger!
But then I tell myself to shut the hell up and stop whining. The truth is, pie is a thing ALL YEAR LONG. Why would we confine our Apple Pie eating to only the holidays? I can’t come up with good reasoning for that. And I’m a reasonable person… so I’m moving forward with this post even though we are pretty much done with February and moving quickly into spring and everyone is forgetting about the utter magic of pie. I’m here to remedy that terrible reality and pull you all back into the bliss of a perfectly constructed pie.
There isn’t much that inspires me enough to skip a rainy Sunday afternoon nap. We have been in the throws of a monsoon fueled by a hurricane offshore and a nasty system pounding us from the south. Gross. So you would think that an epic Sunday nap was the only thing on my radar yesterday.