Hi. Let’s have a little chat. Grab a glass of wine, you’re going to need it.
I know that title up there is total BS. We come straight out of the womb fragile and needy. It’s kind of how Creator designed us. To be incomplete and broken apart from Him.
I know I know… that last sentence was also total BS. We are never apart from Creator. He is in us and around us and above us and below us. He is all things at all times for all of us.
But we forget and that, my loves, is when we feel broken.
Today was an overly emotional day for some reason. I didn’t sleep last night and I woke up with this overwhelming feeling of insecurity and loneliness. I was scared of some things. I had forgotten, momentarily, that I was full of the grace and peace of the spirit. My humanness had taken over, which it does quite often.
I was newly broken all over again this morning. Hurting and wounded and afraid for no good reason. I am loved and I am cared for. Every need is provided for but some days all I see are the wants that aren’t.
It took me all day until right at this moment to figure that out. I was trying to find someone to blame… someone to lash out at… someone, anyone, other than my very forgetful self to heap the weight of my new brokenness on.
It sneaks up in so many ways and such unexpected moments.
When I was newly divorced, the pain was raw and almost unbearable some days. And then I would go weeks and even months sometimes not feeling the jagged edge of that awful loneliness.Â
But then two things would happen. I would allow myself to remember the pain but to also forget that I was still deeply loved and already made whole. What a terrible collision.
So I just wanted to take a moment to remind you that you are such a wonderful creation. Even in your lowest moments when you think your heart just may rip open again {and again} you are so loved.Â
And there is no fear in love.
Remember, remember, remember!!
Wow. Those words couldn’t be more timely tonight.
Hi, Anja. I am so glad you stopped be to read, then. Sending you so much love and prayers!
Thank you for this lovely reminder.
So true, so absolutely true. <3
reading this all over again, i needed it today.